2 Long Serving Members Receive Their Life Membership Certificates

Following the awarding of Life Membership's to Marion Cowan and Jo McKean at the November 30, 2024 AGM, both long serving ladies have been presented with their respective Certificates by Past President Richard De Crespigny who had the honour.
Congratulations Marion and Jo.
Your service to the Club has been and is greatly appreciated.
Cancer Crushers Again Sunday December 8
The Longest Day.org.au

A great day on Sunday for the 72 hole stroke challenge to raise funds for cancer research
Well done Anthony Symes, Daniel Symes, Adam Levy and Michael Polwarth....
News from the 2024 AGM
The 2024 AGM was held on Saturday November 30 with an impressive number of Members attending.
The following is a brief summary of the meeting.
Election of 2025 Board Members
President Elect Nola Jensen 2 Year term
Board Members elected for 2 Year Term include:
Justin Reid, Christine Perus, David Blore
Due to a Constitutional matter, Dayle Gee will be appointed by the Board to a casual position.
Newly elected Board Members will commence duties on January 1, 2025.
Nomination of two new Life Members.
Life Membership was conferred upon Mrs Marion Cowan and Ms Jo McKean after nominations were presented and approved.
Congratulations to Marion and Jo.
You both have served the Benalla Golf Club over many years and your contribution to the Club had been acknowledged.
Up to 140 players undertook the '#Doing It For Jarrod' Ambrose Event on Sunday October 20 with players from all over the Goulburn Valley/North East attending this event in such great weather conditions. A 'Special' thanks to all the sponsors who contributed to the success of the event.

With players 'decked' out in yellow and playing off the Yellow Tees in memory of Jarrod

Early indications are that up to $8,000 has been raised for cancer research following the '#DoingItForJarrod' Golf Day. Final figures to be confirmed when available.

The ladies held their annual Breast Cancer Day - Stableford event on Thursday October 17. A fundraiser supporting Breast Cancer Research that has touched many in the community. It was a great turnout. The course dazzled, draped in pink, from best dressed players, to carts, tees and pins.
Some say they are the 'Grey Nomads of Thurgoona' but.........

Apparently all enjoyed their golf and time together during the last week. I wonder what the golf scores were like?
Another Tree Down & Cleanup by 'Grey Army'
The 'Grey Army' Monday morning working bee cleanup another tree down. This time between the 7th and 15th Fairways.
Monday mornings from 9am till 11am.
The 'Grey Army' is always seeking volunteers to assist the Course Staff in maintaining the Course. Various tasks available, no experience necessarily needed, just a willingness to join likeminded golfers enjoy a couple of hours together..... and a 'free' drink afterwards!
Meet at the machinery shed at 9am, you will find us waiting to welcome you! Just bring a hat, gloves, the rest is supplied!
Oh yeah! Ladies also welcome!
Green Restoration Works September 24
All Greens were included in restoration works undertaken by Course Staff and Club Volunteers on Tuesday September 17.
Up to 23 Member Volunteers were in attendance which was greatly appreciated by Course Staff and Course & Green Chair Steve Kjar.
Work underway on the 9th Green

Additional volunteers eagerly awaiting for another Green to be cored.
Although the day got off to a slow start, great progress was made thanks to the volunteers who attended....many thanks to all!
The 'corings' will be used primarily on the 3rd Fairway to assist improving the hole.
2024 Club Championships
2024 Club Champion is, Andrew Shearer.
Congratulations Andrew on your win, 7&6, in the Match Play Final against a worthy golfer in Daniel Symes on Sunday May 26.

What a great day to watch a golf final.

Captain watches with interest!

Got to line up your putts!

Results of Ladies Final
2024 Ladies Champion is Meredith Badrock following a tight match against Sue Oakley on the 34th hole.
Congratulations to both Champions Andrew and Meredith.
2024 NEDGA Summer Pennant Finals
Congratulations to Benalla Juniors Team 1 and Team 2 for making the Grand Final.
Benalla 1 won the Pennant 3/2 over Benalla 2 in a tight finish. Well done to both Junior Teams, what a credit you are to Benalla Golf Club!
Unfortunately the only other Benalla Team to make a final was defeated 5/0 by Mansfield in the Handicap Section 3 competition.

Winning Team 1 Players from both Benalla 1 & Benalla 2 Juniors
L-R Rhylee Chapman (Capt), Cooper Richardson, Lincoln Campbell, Jacob Campbell. Aiden Button (absent).
Special Mention to Jacob Campbell (Benalla 1) to be awarded NEDGA Player of The Year for Juniors 2024.
Solar Tree
Thanks to Big Bear Electricals, a new solar light has been place under the large tree at the corner of the 9th & 18th Fairways providing a great view from the Clubhouse.

Another great example of the support the Club receives from sponsors.
Australia Day Event a Great Success 2024
Upwards of 90 players took part in the Australia Day 2 Person Ambrose event at the Club

The players assemble for a shotgun start

Ginge and Rod enjoy the hamburgers for lunch!

Steve Smith came appropriately attired
Victorian Veteran Golfers Association State Championships Held At Benalla Golf Club
Monday & Tuesday September 18 & 19, 2023 were two big days at Benalla Golf Club with the Victorian Veteran Golfers Association conducting a round of the State Championships.
Nearly 100 Golfers from all around Victoria, representing all the Golfing Districts in the State gathered for the two day event.
In appreciation of the services provided to the Championships by the Club, an appreciation plaque was presented to reps of the Bistro, Bar and Golfing Departmenrts.
Photographs below show the reps with the plaque and a photograph of the VVGA Presentaion crowd within the Clubhouse.

Proudly holding the plaque are Captain Andrew Hodson, and Bistro Chef Leanne McCloud.

Club Manager Andrew Sheen with Golf Shop proprietor Wayne Hocking and Course Super Andrew Shearer with the plaque in recognition of a well organised event.
Victorian Veteran Golfers Association expressed congratulations to all sections of the Club including Wayne Hocking (Golf Shop) and
Course Super Andrew Shearer and his staff for the magnificant event organisation and presentation of the Course.
Well done to all involved - a great couple of days for the Benalla Golf Club.
Dale Crothers PGA Associate Profesional to Coach at Benalla

Attention Benalla Golf Club Members
Thanks to the great work by
Benalla Golf Shop , the
Benalla Golf Club is thrilled to have a local prodigy returning to help the next era of golfers on their way to their dream. He might also help some of us that just have nightmares about this crazy game called golf.
Book via Golf Shop FB page, or ring Wayne on 5762 2404.
(# subject to Dale's availability, on a fortnightly schedule......
Ring the Golf Shop on 5762 2404 for a booking !......don't be slow!)
Penalty Area Rules - new Rules from 2019 Click to read the rules as they now apply!
What are the rules for being in a Penalty Area - maybe even a bunker!
Ever wondered what the Rules are if you are in a sticky situation?
Have you found yourself in a situation where the Rules don't seem to readily apply? Maybe a kangaroo sitting on your ball, or a snake is curled around the ball.......here are the applicable Rules
Security reminder
Members are reminded to secure your cars after parking and as you leave for your round of golf.
All valuables should not be left exposed within vehicles but taken with you or hidden from view in a secure place within the locked vehicle.
